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Helping Small Businesses Survive Unexpected Events

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It’s no secret that unexpected events can hit small local businesses hard. At any moment something could happen requiring a business to temporarily pause, have services limited, or even shut down for good. These are the times that the power of community togetherness could help some businesses survive such events.

There are so many reasons why supporting local businesses is good for our communities and local economies. They provide growth and innovation to our communities, while also providing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. Local businesses are made up of some of our closest family and friends and bring a sense of uniqueness to our communities. 

A lot of us have felt the financial strain at one time or another and have been worried about what the future holds. If you have the finances and resources to help local businesses, a little goes a long way to show your support. Here are some simple ways to help out during a time of need:

  1. Many local restaurants and shops offer delivery and pick up. Instead of buying from big name businesses, try supporting and purchasing from local restaurants, flower shops or even clothing boutiques that might offer curbside pickup or delivery. You might come to find out that you’ve been missing out on all the great items and delicious dishes that your local businesses have to offer.
  2. Buy gift cards from your favorite restaurants, hair salons, stores, etc. Take time out of your day and purchase a gift card to send to friends or family to let them know you’re thinking of them. This little gesture not only means a lot to your family and friends, but also to local businesses.
  3. Maybe financially you don’t have the means to purchase from local businesses at this time. However, you can still support them by posting and sharing their services on social media. Exposure can go a long way, especially since social media has become such a large resource in society. One simple post about a business could lead to them gaining one new customer that they didn’t have before.
  4. Since a lot of the way we operate has transitioned online, check to see if services are provided virtually. There might be fitness trainings, tutoring, therapy sessions and many more services still available for you, just virtually. 
  5. Tipping workers mean a lot. It is important to tip and thank them for all their hard work and services they have provided for us.
  6. Another thing to do is to schedule a service for later. Sure those appointments have been cancelled now, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t reschedule for a time later in the future. Simply knowing that some work is coming their way after the stress of being out of work can alleviate some anxiety and make a big difference.
  7. Last but not least, donate. Maybe you’re not trying to make extra purchases right now, but a simple donation can go a long way for a lot of small local businesses and cut them a break financially.

We must remember that small businesses are the heart of the community, and communities must stand behind them in hard and uncertain circumstances. 

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