Nobody ever wants to be in a situation where they have to make an insurance claim. Usually it means there's been an accident or disaster of some sort, which is stressful--and not knowing anything about the claims process doesn't help. That's why we've created pages to explain our claims process. From fender benders to house fires (or other potential claim-inducing events) we hope these pages will help you understand next steps and what to expect so you can return to life as you know it.
You'll see there are steps you can take before you file your claim, but when you are ready to file, call us at 1-844-AMSHIELD (844-267-4435).
If you need to send us documentation about your claim, please include your claim number:
Mail: 1817 W. Broadway, Columbia, MO 65218
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 1-573-234-4088